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Grow your clientele with our friend referral program that tracks and automates the entire process, from sending invites (via email, text, and social media) to paying out the rewards when the friend opens a new account.

  • Incentivize your customers to invite their friends to open an account
  • Increase customer loyalty with rewards
  • Easily track the referrals, new accounts, and the rewards status

Promote your referral program

Advertise your refer-a-friend rewards program with eye-popping banners.

Gamify the program by displaying how many friends have been invited and how many have joined. These numbers are updated dynamically.

With the “Invite Now” button, they can submit their friends’ contact information, and we send the invitations.

Invite friends to open a new account

Display custom instructions about how your referral program works and the reward details

Display any terms and conditions. If agreement is required, we will include a checkbox that must be checked to enable the submit button

Enter friends email addresses, phone numbers, or share a unique code on social media to encourage them to start a relationship with your financial institution.

The referred friend receives an email or text with instructions on how to open an account and how to get their reward:


You can customize the email or text with instructions on how to open an account and and any custom requirements to receive their reward

Tracking and Reporting from Q2 Central/Console

When the referred friend opens a new account, both receive a cash reward. Our app automates the entire process:

  • Keeps track of referrals
  • You can dispense the cash rewards with the Pay button, or configure the app to do it automatically
  • Download a report of all invitations and accepted invitations

Contact Nueve Solutions

Let us know how we can help you fulfill your financial institution’s goals and help you push your online banking to the next level of functionality and customer experience.

Contact Nueve Solutions

Let us know how we can help you fulfill your financial institution’s goals and help you push your online banking to the next level of functionality and customer experience.
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