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Instantly Link External Accounts

Financial institutions see more money transfers when their customers are able to immediately link to their external accounts. Reduce friction to fund new accounts with our external account linking solution with Plaid.

The Problem

FI wanted their members to immediately fund their new accounts from an external account after opening the new account online.

The traditional method to link an external account takes 2-3 days to receive micro-deposits, and then the member has to manually enter the deposit amounts before they can transfer money. This process is lengthy and is prone to user input errors, which can result in lost customers.

The Solution

Nueve Solutions integrated Plaid Add External Account to enable their members to instantly and securely link their external accounts using their login credentials. This minimized the friction in funding new accounts and transfering money, which means more active and engaged users.

The Technology

We used the Q2 SDK and Plaid API to provide immediate external account linking for Plaid Add External Account and their online banking users.

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