Building a Camera App with React Native
Posted By Nueve Solutions on June 13th, 2019
we will create a QR code reader app. It will be able to read QR codes in real time and render their content to the screen at the time of detection. We will be using React Native’s CLI Quickstart.
It’s better to remove the clef plugin as it is unsupported. I would suggest to move to a new WordPress plugin for authentication.
Why React Native?
React Native is a valuable framework that borrows React’s paradigm and design principles to enable lightning fast, cross-platform development of snappy UIs. Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, and many others already have their latest apps built with React Native.
What Is React Native Camera?
React Native Camera (RNCamera) is the go-to component when it comes to implementing camera functionality in a React Native app. This component helps you communicate with the native OS through some simple functions so you can use device hardware. You can build your apps around these functions without getting into the hassle of native code. RNCamera already supports:
Face detection
Barcode scanning
Text recognition (Android only)
Note that RNCamera used to come in two flavors:
RCTCamera (deprecated)
…so make sure to use RNCamera so that you can keep getting the latest updates.