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Introducing our new Automated Group Mover product! Streamline your workflow and enhance productivity with ease.

Our User Group Management Tool on Q2 Central/Console provides a user-friendly interface to configure these common scenarios.

New Users

Would you like to automatically move new users to a less restricted group after they have been with us for a certain number of days and have made a minimum deposit? This approach rewards long-term users who actively engage with our platform. Implementing this can enhance user satisfaction and retention.

Suspected Fraud

Would you like to automatically move a user to a restricted group if fraud is suspected? This measure helps protect the integrity of the platform by swiftly addressing potential security issues. It ensures that suspected fraudulent activities are managed proactively and effectively.

Inactive Users

Would you like to automatically disable users who have been inactive and have not logged in for an extended period? This helps maintain an active user base and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently. It also helps in managing user engagement and reducing potential security risks.

If you would like to discuss more about your group management needs, schedule a meeting here:

Contact Nueve Solutions

Let us know how we can help you fulfill your financial institution’s goals and help you push your online banking to the next level of functionality and customer experience.
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