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Empower your customers to manage opening, renewing, and cashing out their own Certificates of Deposit with a few clicks in online banking.

Convenient and always available, online self-service CDs will lead to:

  • Increased deposits
  • Increased customer loyalty and activity in their online portal
  • Decreased branch and call center staffing costs

Promote your attractive CD rates

Advertise your best CD rates with prominent banners.

Clickable banners initiate the seamless flow to open new certificates in real-time.













Open new CDs in a few easy steps

No need to SSO to a 3rd party website in a new browser, or enter already known data such as customer address, phone number, email, etc.

Enable your customers to open a new CD directly from their online portal in a few easy steps:

  1. Select from current terms and rates
  2. Select the funding account
  3. Specify funding amount
  4. Review and submit

<Put shorter versions of the following screenshots in a slider with bullets here. Add the following captions to the first 3 screenshots:

  • Select from current terms and rates
  • Select the funding account and amount
  • Review and submit


Empower your customers to renew or close their CDs

During the maturity grace period, enable your customers to manage their CD with a few clicks:


  1. Browse all current terms and rates
  2. Select the new term and rate for their CD

<Put shorter versions of the following screenshots in a slider with bullets here. Add the following caption to the first screenshot:

  • Select new term for renewal


Cash Out

  • Specify which account will receive the funds from the closed CD
  • Choose to send a cashier’s check of the closed CD funds

<Put shorter versions of the following screenshot in a slider with bullets here. Add a success screen that says “Your certificate was successfully closed. The funds were transferred to: <bold>Regular Checking ***123</bold>”. Add the following caption to the first screenshot:

  • Specify target account to receive closed CD funds


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